Friday, October 05, 2007

Daily News.

I found this article to be incredibly interesting. Mostly because I don't share the view of my fellow countrymen that the culture of Americans is superior to that of other countries.

"American culture" seems like an oxy moron to me.

Read me!

Sorry, Peter, no mention of America Jr. Er, *cough, cough* I mean, Canada.


Peter said...

Well, we do share the view that American "culture" isn't superior.

As for the other... unpleasantness, I am giving you SUCH a dirty look right now.

Peter said...

-ps Yes, it was an interesting article though. With some expected and unexpected (by me anyway) findings.

Anonymous said...

hows life now that you left us?

Cunning Linguist said...

hmmmm... I smell an Italy/America "culture off" competition coming up somewhere. We could do it Iron Chef style, maybe.